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T O P I C    R E V I E W
kevinwbyrd Posted - 09/01/2014 : 12:01:27 PM
If you're not worried about data loss, you should be.

All of your files—everything stored on a hard disk (invoices)
in your computer is at risk.


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Kevin Byrd
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AdrianG001 Posted - 09/17/2019 : 11:06:44 AM
To develop a data protection strategy. It may include the following:

To develop a data protection strategy. It may include the following:

Educate employees on security awareness. I personally think that’s the most important step - to promote and value behaviors that help people to feel ownership so they can recognize key moments and make the right decisions and are motivated to act accordingly. This can be achieved by implementing appropriate security policies in place.

Store all sensitive data "at rest" and encrypt it with keys stored in other location from the data.

Enable 2FA (Two Factor Authentication), so stronger authentication is required to access the data.

Track the logs (monitor user activity, such as uploads, downloads, deletes, etc.). You can implement auditing system that reviews abnormal transactions and generate security alerts to IS team if the data is accessed by anyone or any system within the organization

Use secure file sharing platforms, chose the one that has embedded security features.


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