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 SnapDocs: good for the notary or the SS?

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
jbelmont Posted - 07/25/2014 : 11:25:09 PM
Many notaries are claiming that SnapDocs are easier for the signing service. But, how are the for notaries?

Snapdocs is an online management system for signing companies. They can send out broadcast emails for signings. Such a program could be a nuisance for notaries. If you call back, you probably will not be the first caller, and the price for the signing will probably not be so high either!

Any thoughts?

21   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
betty1957 Posted - 10/08/2018 : 11:29:56 AM
How you are treated by SnapDocs all depends on the company. MY favorite companies will call/text me about accepting a fee. Twice I never spoke to a SOUL from the time I accepted the job from a text, to my text that I dropped the documents. Seems like almost ALL of my jobs now are through SnapDocs. They also pit local NSA's against each other. Whoever is the first responder with the fee they like gets the job. PLEASE remember that we don't really get paid what we are worth. I KNOW that many NSA's here have more experience than I do, BUT, I have witnessed over 1,500 signings, I thoroughly examine the documents and my instructions, I ALWAYS ask what color ink when I accept a job, and my last check is always my work after 2-3 checks at the signing table of the borrower's signatures, dates, initials.
OUR ETHICS are at stake every time we contract to witness! BE careful out there!! =)

betty j. dedman
Doris_CO Posted - 06/07/2018 : 1:56:35 PM
BigJoe52, SnapDocs is a platform not a signing service. The company that posted the job on SnapDocs is the one responsible for the payment. You need to contact the company or companies for payment for your services, but also post your invoice on the SnapDoc platform for that particular signing. Also, consider an old fashion collection letter sent by fax, with a copy of your invoice, to each company that owes you.
BigJoe52 Posted - 06/04/2018 : 10:39:01 AM

Joseph W. White
mihaelamillette Posted - 07/06/2017 : 5:16:46 PM
The signings on Snapdoc are with a very low fee $65-$75.I did a few where the company's meet my fee.And I did got paid after 30 days.Only one company was 60 days late and I had to hunt to get pay.
I don't understand why do notarys accept a signing for that low, the cost to a notary to complete that signing it will be around at least $45 and the signing usually takes up to 2 hours.

Mihaela Millette
wac283 Posted - 06/28/2016 : 12:13:45 PM
Seems to be working like a charm. Lest than an hour and I've already received a reply (comment) posted to SnapDocs, about payment. I've waited a week with no email response from the same SS.

Cheryl M Sievers
wac283 Posted - 06/28/2016 : 12:05:53 PM
Since SnapDocs is the platform that so many SS companies want to use, then why not utilize their platform to help get paid? I've been uploading my invoices to the order (for the problem companies) so that it's seen by both the lender and title company. They're the ones that need to know which SS companies are not paying the notaries for services. Seems like if they're a deadbeat, or slow to pay, the lender/title company will stop contracting them.

Cheryl M Sievers
Dannotary Posted - 06/08/2016 : 4:52:16 PM
How can anyone consider responding to Snapdocs?!! We need to find out, how many pages, all the required services they want from us, and HOW MANY people signing, how far, etc etc.

Forget them..
edelske Posted - 06/08/2016 : 08:08:04 AM
Originally posted by Lee-AR

As I'm in a low population/volume/saturation area, just want y'all to know that if there are no takers at a low fee, they DO send out another spam with a higher fee...sometimes they do that repeatedly in small increases until they find a taker. Or accept my fee--whichever comes first.

If you don't value your time and experience, nobody else will.

Sounds like a tedious procedure. Personally, I'd prefer an enema during root canal.

Kenneth A Edelstein
Mobile Notary, Apostille / Legalization Processing & Fingerprinting
Lee-AR Posted - 06/07/2016 : 4:05:57 PM
As I'm in a low population/volume/saturation area, just want y'all to know that if there are no takers at a low fee, they DO send out another spam with a higher fee...sometimes they do that repeatedly in small increases until they find a taker. Or accept my fee--whichever comes first.

If you don't value your time and experience, nobody else will.
edelske Posted - 06/07/2016 : 11:52:03 AM

Do you moo?

Kenneth A Edelstein
Mobile Notary, Apostille / Legalization Processing & Fingerprinting
ddpoll Posted - 05/06/2016 : 2:07:57 PM
You are right on about the cattle call, Moooo! It seems to me we could put Snapdocs out of business if we didn't reply to there low ball prices instead of us scrambling to be the first to respond. Why not wait till they raise the fee. Snapdocs is truly ruining the notary industry.
Lee-AR Posted - 03/18/2016 : 3:11:51 PM
You get paid by whatever process each company has for paying the notary. SnapDocs really has nothing to do with that. Any company can use the SD 'platform', but you are working with the COMPANY. There are both very good and very bad companies (& everything in between)that utilize the SD platform so you will still have to check 'em out and see where each co. stands.

The problem I see with this platform is that you need to respond quickly or it seems to be gone. THEN--if you get the job and find out the hiring company is a deadbeat, many notaries feel that they still must follow thru...and the deadbeats count on that. Never be afraid to turn it back to them PROMPTLY.

As a notary, I really don't like this way of doing business as you never get enough info about the scope of the job and are still expected to make a 'snap' decision. But you can see how this works out well for a company using the platform. Don't let yourself be abused.

If you don't value your time and experience, nobody else will.
36768 Posted - 03/18/2016 : 11:23:54 AM
How does Snap Docs pay you? Do you need to send an invoice or they pay off of the order on the snap docs platform?
Lee-AR Posted - 01/15/2016 : 03:26:04 AM
Question: Will SnapDocs step in for us, if the member company does not pay us on time, or at all?
Answer: No

This platform is not good for the notary and very good for the company as they can simply wait and pick the cheapest notary without doing anything more than 'clicking' on many notaries e-mail address. Same e-mail to dozens of people. If they get no takers @ $90 and you've replied that you'll do it @ $125, wait a bit and they'll send out another at $95 or $100. Yes, I know many start at $60 or less!!!...I don't even reply to those lowballers.

If you don't value your time and experience, nobody else will.
mgb1966 Posted - 01/09/2016 : 04:57:28 AM
Originally posted by mkl11211

Snapdocs is destroying the industry, they are signing up companies on a rapid speed, makes it hard to get jobs, the newest are jumping on and accepting their low fees

I would like to know if you can trust the individual company that is connected to the SnapDocs platform. I have a good well paying company which I used before it was with SnapDocs, but the last company I used, has a horrible record on this forum and Signing Central. I think I was had because I relied on SnapDocs instead of investigating the member company. Will SnapDocs step in for us, if the member company does not pay us on time, or at all?
mkl11211 Posted - 01/06/2016 : 08:09:33 AM
Snapdocs is destroying the industry, they are signing up companies on a rapid speed, makes it hard to get jobs, the newest are jumping on and accepting their low fees
garyw148 Posted - 12/22/2015 : 06:22:50 AM
The offers from Snap Docs are almost always low and I always counter and 10% of the time I get the assignment. I am busy enough so I do not really care if they come through. As for the question on Deluxe E. Checks, I get them often and the bank has no problem with them.

Gary Williamson
17713 Posted - 06/20/2015 : 06:14:00 AM
We have responded to these and have received a couple even though we have sent in a counter offer. The deluxe check printing is fine. The turn around has been good so far. This is probably a cost effective measure for the signing services; however, the initial fees offered are usually low. First to bite on the low-ball offer gets it!
7200 Posted - 01/09/2015 : 10:02:02 AM
I did a signing for them and just received an e-mail that I had a check waiting through Deluxe E. Checks. I went through the screens and it printed out a check. Was kind of weird. Took it to my bank and they had never seen anything like this. Anyone else received checks through Deluxe E. Checks?
nkleeger Posted - 08/29/2014 : 1:53:02 PM
I just signed on. I will post my results as they happen.

Neil L. Kleeger
Lee-AR Posted - 07/26/2014 : 10:48:24 AM
IMHO, these cattle calls are simply abusive. Many are 'pinged' and some respond, but only ONE will get the business, while many have incurred time wasted, possibly even expenses...for what?

If you don't value your time and experience, nobody else will.

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