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 Help picking a notary journal?

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joelbenedict Posted - 05/23/2014 : 7:44:33 PM
I want to get one that will meet state requirements or at least the state with the highest requirements for notary journals. That way, I won't have to rebuy a journal if I have to move to a different state. I'm pretty sure they're all the same with the only differences being the construction (sewn sheets vs pasted), and box sizes, but maybe the users here have different experiences with different brands.
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LindaH Posted - 08/29/2016 : 03:48:47 AM
Joel - your handbook doesn't seem to address this issue at all, although it does cover what info to record if you decide to keep a journal.

You might want to check with your SOS or with the County Clerk's office. If they don't want the journal and have no guidance, I would not remove pages or destroy anything. I would lock the journal up somewhere and leave it for safe keeping. Those entries are public record and if you ever have to produce the journal for any reason you'll want to produce a journal that's not been tampered with.

As for how long? It depends on the statute of limitations of different matters within your state.

Journals aren't big. I'd just tuck it away somewhere.

joelbenedict Posted - 08/28/2016 : 08:18:26 AM
I retired from notarizing last year. What am I supposed to do with my notary journal? Do I turn it in to the Bullitt County Clerk's office? I filled in the front section and used several pages, so I can't really resell it. I guess I could cut out the pages that have been notarized and any subsequent pages with impressions left by pen markings on the previous page. That way I could sell it as a regular non-notarial business log. Should I shred the pages with signatures or keep the entire journal for a set number of years?
pdl lady Posted - 06/15/2014 : 8:55:22 PM
I use the soft cover journal, I purchased from Notary Rotary, I find that it is compatible with most state's requirements, and has a large notes section for what you need to log in. The soft cover is great and is helpful for those signings that take place in awkward places.
joelbenedict Posted - 06/13/2014 : 6:27:08 PM
I bought the same hardcover version of the Modern Journal of Notarial Events. What are notaries supposed to write in the Emergency Contacts? I assume this would be different from my personal emergency contacts, since if it were a real emergency, they would have my drivers license and cell phone. I was thinking the NNA, but I plan on putting that in the Notes section. Maybe the Bullitt County Clerk's Office, since that's where my commission application was renewed, or the Secretary of State's office, since that's the office that commissioned my appointment.
Here's what I'm going to write in each field:
Doris_CO Posted - 05/27/2014 : 6:34:50 PM
I have the hard cover journal. I've looked at other journals but still prefer what NotaryRotary sells. A premier member of NotaryRotary receives a discount on any products purchased from NotaryRotary.
joelbenedict Posted - 05/26/2014 : 9:43:52 PM
Do you have the hard or soft cover version? I added the softcover version's link to the spreadsheet in the OP.
Also, notaryrotary seems like a good retailer in general for their prices at least. They have a bunch of different journals I didn't list originally.
Doris_CO Posted - 05/23/2014 : 9:10:45 PM
If you are commissioned in more then one state; and some states allow that, you should check each states rules. You might find that you have to have a separate journal for each state. If you move from one state to another, you certainly can't use the same journal for the new state. Check your Notary Public laws for your current state. My state requires I turn in my journal(s)to the SOS when I resign my commission.

Not only will you have to apply for a new commission for the new state but also start a new journal.

As for what journal to use, I prefer the Modern Journal of Notary Events that is sold on NotaryRotary.

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