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jbelmont Posted - 10/09/2012 : 01:43:46 AM
Has anyone had any experience with this type of business. Some notaries claim it is a scam. It could be a scam. Who knows. What do you think?

10   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Penny Posted - 02/25/2015 : 8:33:43 PM
I have been doing debt elimination (debt settlement) packages, and I have had good experiences with the debt elimination companies. The documents are not overly burdensome, the agreed upon $125.00 has been timely paid so far, and it is an opportunity to help someone who is upside down with a lot of things in their life, who chose to seek help through this process. Sometimes a friendly smile goes a long way. When I am asked to explain something, I reiterate that I am not an attorney and cannot give advice or interpret the agreement provisions, and suggest that the individual call their debt advisor at that time. I am always patient and if the signing goes on a bit longer than other assignments, that's okay with me. In fact, this morning, with snow and sleet coming down (in Georgia - yes!), I drove 27.5 miles to a little town to meet with a wonderful woman. When I left she walked me out to my truck and we were smiling. Then I came home, email attached the docs to the company, waited on the shipping label, and went to FedEx. Due to inclement weather FedEx had come much earlier, but I completed my assignment and felt good about it.

/Penny Henritze
34688 Posted - 10/28/2014 : 06:45:21 AM
I personally would prefer doing loan signings as that is what I am familiar with as well as other real estate docs.
Originally posted by Dannotary

they want us to go as their representative , the scripts etc, this is nuts. Think LIABILITY.

34688 Posted - 10/28/2014 : 06:43:34 AM
Thanks for the input. I've just recently started this business,and yes, I have a lot to learn - like getting business. Savings will hold out for only so long.
Originally posted by Dannotary

they want us to go as their representative , the scripts etc, this is nuts. Think LIABILITY.

Dannotary Posted - 10/27/2014 : 10:26:37 PM
they want us to go as their representative , the scripts etc, this is nuts. Think LIABILITY.
Dannotary Posted - 10/27/2014 : 10:25:10 PM
Go ahead and do debt eliminations if you want to but I personally won't touch them. Recently I was offered one for $75, 'oh,it's only 2 things to notarize, 7 pages and a few signatures'. Well, no, it was 19 pages of instructions for ME and all about how I can be dinged on my fee etc, etc, like I just learned how to read last week and tie my own shoes. Blah blah. They want it in an hour and in Spanish too. Well I didn't have enough time to digest all that and then feared being held liable for telling the borrower something or reading them something from the paperwork. "oh, the notary said such and such". I declined it and they offered me 100. I wouldn't do it for 1,000. The liability is too great. Who knows if that law group will be in trouble next year and voila, the notary is roped in now too. No thanks.
34688 Posted - 10/26/2014 : 9:33:10 PM
I recently had a debt elimination. It was about 25 pages of which only two areas that needed to be notarized. I didn't think anything of it. There was a script to read, which the person who was signing did not mind. I am expecting to be paid $65.00 for about 30 minutes. I do not recall any hassle whatsoever. I would consider doing another one.
Originally posted by jbelmont

Has anyone had any experience with this type of business. Some notaries claim it is a scam. It could be a scam. Who knows. What do you think?

lcox60 Posted - 05/13/2014 : 6:59:24 PM
I also was curious how many are taking these jobs, I signed up with two different attorney firms a couple years ago and did one for each firm. I found it time consuming, with going over their detailed instructions, they basically had a script to work from and then there were some forms to fill out, I spent an hour at each one. I also did not feel comfortable, it was the exact opposite of working as a signing agent for loans, they expected me to act as an employee of the law firm, I don't remember the wording they used, but I did not feel comfortable with it. I also felt the clients were being taken advantage of from the terms I read, their credit score was going to suffer and there were no guarantees that they could get their debt reduced. Though both parties I dealt with seemed satisfied with what they were signing and I didn't feel like they were being coerced. So, I am wondering what others feel about these debt elimination jobs. Was offered one today for $95 that was a 20 minute drive. My basic response is that I don't do debt eliminations, but wondering if I should try it again.
BrandonH Posted - 10/24/2012 : 06:39:42 AM
They are usually around 50 pages, and I complete them in about 30 minutes. Just make sure you double check at the table to make sure you don't miss anything.

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Rated #1 in Central Texas
a1mobilenotary Posted - 10/21/2012 : 3:01:57 PM
Brandon, how long does it usually take you to complete one of these signings? Can you expect 20 pages of forms that have to be completed? I know some settlement packages they say... only a few pages to notarize, but you have a load of other forms that require a lot of time etc. I have been contacted by a company named XP Mobile Notary Services . Have you ever worked with them?
BrandonH Posted - 10/09/2012 : 1:21:47 PM
Jeremy, I've done a few, the pay ranges from 50-100 (the packets are usually no more than 20 pages though)


Rated #1 in Central Texas

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