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 California Notaries - Join the CLIN!

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
cybermgm23 Posted - 08/04/2020 : 2:36:59 PM
I’m writing to announce that I have formed a non-profit advocacy group for California Notaries. The California League of Independent Notaries (CLIN) is the first and only advocacy organization in CA requiring all members to be commissioned notaries that strives to promote public awareness and advocate for California Notaries by building community, providing communication and lobbying for policy that strengthens the Office of Notary Public and represents members common interests. As you know, over the last two years I have worked to give independent notaries a voice in Sacramento and have proven that together we can be a powerful lobby. You have probably heard about a couple bills this year that directly affect notaries in CA, but did you know that there are actually 18 bills this session that either directly or indirectly affect California Notaries? As legislative issues concerning notaries continue to pop up year after year, California Notaries need a voice in Sacramento now more than ever and the CLIN will be that voice! Join today at: http://calnotaries.org/join
1   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Lee-AR Posted - 08/06/2020 : 09:20:40 AM
Way to go, Matt! At last, a CA group that actually advocates for notaries concerns! Wish you much success (and hope that your success will cause notaries in other states to emulate it).

If you don't value your time and experience, nobody else will.

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