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 Alabama House Bill 22 (Notary Bill 2019)

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
inotarize Posted - 01/19/2019 : 09:17:38 AM
Heads up to everyone in Alabama. Three House Representatives are proposing HB22. Below is the synopsis:

"Under existing law, a notary public in the State of Alabama must be a resident of the state. [HB22] would allow a person who is a resident of a state bordering on the State of Alabama who carries on a business, profession, or who is regularly employed in the State of Alabama to be commissioned as a notary public by the judge of probate of the county in which the person carries on his or her profession, business, or employment."

If you want to read the entire Bill (Act) I uploaded a copy to the Notaries for Alabama website www.notariesforalabama.com. You can also go to the AL legislative website.

Representatives Chris Blackshear (House District 80); Corey Harbison (House District 12); and Scott Stadhthagen (House District 9) are authors of the bill.

The Bill will have its First Reading in March 2019. My goal for posting this here in this forum is to make sure as many Alabama Notaries are informed and have ample time to decide for themselves how to respond, if at all.

As for me, I'm still gathering information from a variety of sources and will reach back out to Representative Blackshear with my thoughts and recommendations.

Michelle L. Riley, Founder
d/b/a Notaries for Alabama
(205) 626-9399
1   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Lee-AR Posted - 01/19/2019 : 12:50:59 PM
Thank you, Michelle, for posting this. My state, Arkansas, has allowed this for many years. But, it generally doesn't work the other way around. Altho' I'm in a 'border county', I can't get work/commission in another state.

We should all let the notary community know, as previous poster has done, about proposed laws we hear about so we're not blindsided.

It's been my experience that our legislators aren't really very interested in 'what we do' and don't bother thinking a new law thru, so it is really necessary to let them know how you--a notary--feels about this type of thing before it's too late.

If you don't value your time and experience, nobody else will.

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