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Find a Notary > California Notary > Law

California Notary Law
California Notary Laws
It is paramount for a prospective California notary public to know California notary
 laws intimately.  The California notary handbook is a book that contains all of the
 current California notary laws.  Please keep in mind that California notary laws are
 changing very quickly, and every year or two there are significant changes that
 effect the work of all notaries in the state.  You can also read posts about California
 notary laws in the 123notary.com notary forum.
Learn to be a loan signer
Once you become a California notary public, you can visit our loan signing course
 page to learn about all of the loan signing courses that we offer on 123notary.com.  
Our courses can get you started in a new career as a loan signer in two weeks.  You 
can also advertise your mobile notary and signing agent services on 123notary.com.  
Please visit our advertise with us page and read our testimonials.
Recent California notary law changes.
One of the most critical changes in California notary law was that signers need proper 
identification even if they are personally known to the notary public.  This new law 
came about because too many notaries claimed they knew a signer that they either 
didn't know, or didn't know well, and notarized them without proper identification.  
Many fraudulent notarizations may have come about for this reason.  Another new 
important change is that California notaries public must certify under the penalty of 
perjury that the notary certificate they are signing is true and correct.					

Related Links
California Notary Fees and FAQ
Become a California Notary Public
California Notary Acknowledgment and Jurat Information
California Notary Law
California Notary Classes and Seminars
California Notary Public General Information
Notary Acts