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Texas Notary
Ector County > Odessa > Shelby Haynes
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Shelby Haynes
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Shelby Haynes
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Shelby Haynes, Texas Notary Public
2300 Boise Dr Odessa, TX 79762
Very professional with quick honest and friendly response. Highly recommended.Thank you
Jeffery Dollar on 11/15/2020 4:40:00 PM
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Negative reviews protects all of its notaries from slander and unfair reviews since a bad review could effect their business.. If you had a bad experience with a notary, please express all pertinent facts clearly and politely in writing giving a clear description as to who all the parties are to the transaction; and what the notary did wrong. Our staff will do a two stage screening process for all negative reviews before posting. Step one - if there is any doubt about the review, we would contact the writer of the negative review by email, phone, or both, to make absolutely sure that the negative information is really true. Step two is to also give the notary a chance to write a rebuttle before deciding whether or not to post a negative review. |