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FAQ - regarding notarized forms
Q. What is a notary form?
A. There are notarized forms, forms that need to be notarized, and certificate forms to facilitate the notary process. Although there is no such thing as a notary form, an Acknowledgment form or Jurat form might be what someone is talking about when they use the term "notary form".
Q. Can any person in a bank be notarized?
A. Yes. Any person with proper identification can have their signature notarized on a document.
Q. Can I get something notarized at a bank?
A. Yes, providing there is a notary public at the bank who can assist you. Some banks might have notaries, while others might not. Things change over time as well. There was a time when banks in some areas stopped providing notary service because the liability was too high.
Q. I need to know where to get something notarized.
A. You can either visit a notary office somewhere nearby you. You can ask around to see if anyone knows a notary office nearby. Mailboxes places, attorneys, real estate, and insurance offices usually have a notary on staff. Or, if you want a mobile notary, please find one by searching on
Q. What is a notary public form?
A. There are notarized forms, forms that need to be notarized, and certificate forms to facilitate the notary process. Although there is no such thing as a notary public form, an Acknowledgment form or Jurat form might be what someone is talking about when they use the term "notary public form".
Q. Help, I need a Notarized form.
A. If you bring a form to a notary public, they can notarize your signature on the form, making it a notarized form.
Q. What is a Notarization form.
A. There is no such thing as a notarization form. However, someone using that term probably means a notarized form, or a form that is intended to be notarized, or perhaps a notary ( notarization ) certificate. There are many things a person may be trying to refer to when using the term notarization form, therefore, you should ask them to be more specific and suggest a few forms that they might be trying to describe.
Q. Where can I find affidavit notary forms?
A. Some stationary stores have generic affidavit forms for various purposes. Its generally a good idea to have an attorney help you draft an affidavit. In many cases, a person needs an affidavit notary form to submit to a particular company or individual. In such a case, it may be helpful to ask the person you are submitting the document to, what type of wording they would like to see on the affidavit notary form.
Q.What is a Bill of sale form
A. You need to ask an attorney about the meanings of specific documents and whether or not they need to be notarized.
Q. Can a blank notary form be notarized?
A. The contents of a document must be complete in order to be notarized. There should not be any blank spaces, and the document should never be a blank page. There must always be text, and the signer is supposed to be named in the document to get an acknowledged signature. It is very vague to refer to a blank notary form, since there is no definitive form that is called a notary form.
Q. What is a form for notary public signature?
A. A form for notary public signature would be a notary certificate which could be wording embedded in a document, or could be a separate form or certificate.
Q. What is a "Form requiring notary"
A. A form that has notary certificate wording on it or explicitly states that it must be notarized would be a "form requiring notary".
Q. What is a free notary form?
A. I have never heard of a free notary form. If someone is giving away forms for free, or notarizing forms for free, that might be considered by some to be a free notary form.
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