
How to get better placement
When a notary has a listing on 123notary.com, the top places are often not available. However, notaries drop out of their placements from time to time. The question is, who do we call first to fill the empty spot? We look at a variety of factors in most cases. If your listing has a good track record in the important factors, you might be the first one to receive the opportunity to move up the list. Additionally, if you have a good track record, you might get a better price on a high place listing.
Below are the factors.
Answer your phone
123notary.com tracks who answers their phone. When we auto-call notaries with a special offer, or to remind them about their renewal, we track who answered their phone and who didn't. 123notary.com prefers notaries who answer their phone since browsers will benefit more if they can reach our notaries. This is the most important factor when deciding who to offer a vacant spot to.
Get certified
123notary.com prefers notaries who are certified. Sure, you might know all the answers without being certified, but you didn't prove yourself like the certified members did. Getting certified takes only a few hours of study, is inexpensive, and can get you an average of 78% more visits to your listing. Additionally, we prefer to elevate notaries who are certified. Being certified is good, but being elite certified is even better.
If your listing has a high daily click average, we assume that others think that your listing is good, or that they take an interest in working with you. Maybe you talked nicely to them on the phone. Maybe you have a good notes section. Maybe you click on your own listing regularly. 123notary.com doesn't know why people are clicking on your listing, but if there are clicks, we assume that there is something good about the service you are offering
123notary spent a lot of time creating a referral system. If you use the system to invite friends and contacts to get a listing with us, a record will be created on your file that we can see when we are comparing notaries in a particular area. Even if you referred us to someone who got a free signup, you get a point in your system, and you get recognition from us for being someone who contributes to our success. If you are helping us, we will have a reason to want to put you in a higher position if we had the chance.
Few notaries have a complaint on file, but if someone emails us to make a legitimate complaint about a notary, and the complaint doesn't get resolved quickly, you would have a mark on your file. This is not something to lose sleep over. Simply do a nice job, and don't forget to send the documents back to the lender or be rude to anyone.