Frequently Asked Questions
Advertise - How do I advertise on 123notary.com?
Please visit http://www.123notary.com/getlistedwithus.htm
Advertise - What are some other methods for advertising?
Other methods of advertising include advertising on other signing agent / mobile notary web sites,
yellow page advertisements, calling signing and title companies, and having your own web site
APR vs. Rate - what is the difference?
The APR is different from the rate. Everyone we've talked to has a different way of understanding this concept. Here is the clearest way we've come across: The APR is the annual percentage relationship between the payments and the amount borrowed, minus the fees. This rate is often used to compare the different loans borrowers have to choose from. The APR is almost always higher than the rate. The rate, on the other hand, is a monthly percentage relationship between the payments and the total amount borrowed, including fees.
Backdating - What do I do if asked to backdate?
Backdating is a crime and you could face criminal charges or have your commission revoked or suspended if you get caught. Its safer to risk losing a customer than to break notary law.
Become - How do I become a notary?
Please visit your state's notary division web site. Information is available at
California and New York notary applicants must pass a test. Study materials are available at
Become - If I become a notary, do I need to be hired by someone?
Most notaries got commissioned on their own. However, it is possible to have your commission and seal purchased by an employer.
Become - How do I become a mobile notary?
First you need to become commissioned in your state as a notary public. Then, if you are willing to drive to your clients, you would be a mobile notary. If you are proficient at loan signing, you would be considered a signing agent.
Become - How do I become a loan signer?
Any notary can study loan signing and become a loan signer / signing agent. Please visit
http://www.123notary.com/loansign.htm to learn about the courses we offer at 123notary.com
Bilingual - How do I find a bilingual notary on 123notary.com?
Simply do a search in a particular zip code or city, and then use the bilingual filter on the top right.
Birth Certificates - Can I notarize a birth certificate?
A notary can not certify copies of a birth certificate. However, the signer can swear an oath on a statement regarding a copy of a birth certificate where they swear that its a true and correct copy.
Bond - Where can I get a good notary surety bond?
The NNA is a good source for notary supplies and bonds.
Browser membership - How can a browser of 123notary get a membership to the special login area?
Simply email us at info@123notary.com and we will sign you up.
Canada - Does 123notary.com list notaries in Canada?
We are working on a Canada list, but it will not be ready until late 2008.
Capacity of signer - what does this mean?
A signer could claim the capacity as himself as an individual, as an attorney, a company president, or any other official title.
Certification - Is it optional or required? How do I become 123notary certified?
Many signing agent and mobile notary web sites offer certification. If you advertise on 123notary.com it is optional to be certified by us and it raises visits to listings by 78%. Please visit http://www.123notary.com/cert.htm for more information.
Certification - Do I have to re-certify with 123notary.com or is your certification valid forever?
123notary.com certification for loan signers / signing agents is good as long as you keep your listing with us.
Certification passwords - Help, I am having trouble with a password or forgot my password to my e-course or test.
Please email us from http://www.123epayment.com/result.asp?cat=20
Certification test expired - Help, my cert test password expired.
Please email us from http://www.123epayment.com/result.asp?cat=20
Certification test - I disagree with one of the answers to a question.
You are welcome to disagree, but 123notary.com has inspected answers to the test many times and we do not discuss or argue about what the answer should be.
Certification test - How do I take the certification test?
Once you have paid for the preparation book and test, just visit www.123ecourses.com with your test password.
The test is timed, so make sure you know your material well.
Collection companies - How do I find a collection company to recover debts?
There is a very good collection company that is advertising on the forum. Please visit
Company name - Help, I can not add or change my company name to my listing.
Please email us at http://www.123epayment.com/result.asp?cat=19 with your password and we will change the name
for you as you are not authorized to change names yourself for security reasons.
Company name - Help, I want to hide my personal name and only show my company name.
Please login to your listing. In edit mode you will notice a check box next to your personal name that says, "Disable and use company name instead". Then your personal name will not be visible to the public.
Complaints - What do I do if I have a complaint against a notary or signing agency?
You can post about the complaint on the forum at http://www.123notary.com/forum.htm
Confirmation - What does it mean to confirm my listing information and how do I do it?
Since we insist on keeping the information on 123notary.com as current as possible, we just need you to login to your listing and click the "continue" button at the bottom of edit mode to show that you confirm that your information is still correct.
Contact - I am having trouble reaching the staff of 123notary.com
It is possible that we are both busy. You can email us at info@123notary.com or phone us at 888-838-1458.
Cost - How much will a particular area with high placement cost?
Please email us for a quotation at info@123notary.com
Each placement is priced based on supply and demand at that particular moment in time when you inquire. We give custom prices in all cases for high placement listings.
Counties - I service more counties and would like to be listed in them.
Often times we can add a few more counties to your listing with low placement at no extra charge. Please email us at
info@123notary.com stating exactly which counties you would like to add and we will let you know if its possible.
Counties - I live in one county but work in another. Which county do I get listed in?
You could choose which county you thought would generate more business for you. In a few cases, notaries elect to be listed in both counties which costs extra, but generates a lot more business.
Death certificates - Can I notarize a certified copy?
A notary can not certify copies of a death certificate. However, the signer can swear an oath on a statement regarding a copy of a death certificate where they swear that its a true and correct copy.
Deleted - My listing was deleted, but I want to get back online.
Simply email us at info@123notary.com and we can put you back online. Often times, the reason for your listing being taken offline was failure to confirm your listing information regularly. After you are put back online, please confirm your information within twenty-four hours.
Dual state - I am commissioned in two states and want to be listed on 123notary.com in both states.
You would need to create two separate listings, one for each state. You would need to use a zip code, city, and county that corresponds to each state so that you would show up in zip searches and all the other geographical searches. Please visit http://www.123notary.com/getlistedwithus.htm to sign up for your listings.
Elite certification - How can I take the elite certification test?
The elite certification test is still given over the phone. Please make sure you have purchase the course and test and then email us at info@123notary.com to talk about when to take the test.
Embosser - When do I use an embosser?
An embosser may be used in addition to an inked notary seal. It is a smart idea to use an embosser for all pages of all documents notarized, so that pages added after the notarization would be easily detected by their lack of an embosser's raised seal's impression.
Fees - What fees should I charge as a mobile notary?
You can charge your state's maximum notary fees. Please visit http://www.123notary.com/find-a-notary-public.asp and then lookup your
state for more information. You can also charge a travel fee in most states. Please read about it on your state's lookup page on 123notary.com.
Find - I am having trouble finding a notary. Help.
To find a notary, you can lookup by zip code on the home page. If you are looking for a particular notary that does not necessarily advertise with us, please contact that notary's state notary division for more information. Contact information is available at
Forum - I am having trouble accessing the forum at 123notary.com
Please visit http://www.123notary.com/forum.htm and if you are registered, you can login with your user ID and password.
Forum - I can not register or login to the 123notary.com forum
If you are already registered with a particular email address, the forum will not let you register again. Simply email info@123notary.com to ask what your user ID is and we will email the information to you. If you are having trouble logging in, try to remember if you registered
for the forum. Using your listing's login will not work on the forum. Just email us for help and you will be sent the necessary information.
Free listing - How do I get a free listing on 123notary.com?
Please visit http://www.123notary.com/getlistedwithus.htm to get a free listing.
Glossary - How do I find the 123notary.com glossary for notary and loan signing terms?
Please visit http://www.123notary.com/glossary.asp
Hours of operation - How do I fill in my hours of operation?
The earliest time you can state that you are available is 12:00am, and the latest time available is 11:59pm. Please do not indicate that you start at an earlier time than you finish. If you work from 9am until 2am in the morning, there is unfortunately no way to indicate this other than just putting 12:00am to 11:59am otherwise your data will not be successfully interpreted by our site.
How do I become a notary?
Please visit your state's notary division web site. Information is available at
California and New York notary applicants must pass a test. Study materials are available at
How do I become a mobile notary?
First you need to become commissioned in your state as a notary public. Then, if you are willing to drive to your clients, you would be a mobile notary. If you are proficient at loan signing, you would be considered a signing agent. Please visit http://www.123notary.com/loansign.htm to learn about loan signing courses.
How do I become a loan signer?
First you need to become commissioned in your state as a notary public. If you are proficient at loan signing, you would be considered a signing agent. Please visit http://www.123notary.com/loansign.htm to learn about loan signing courses.
How do I get a listing on 123notary.com?
Please visit http://www.123notary.com/getlistedwithus.htm
Identification - What identification does a signer need to be notarized?
Each state has different identification rules. However, as a general rule, its good to have a government issued identification with a photo, a signature, physical description, and an expiration date.
Journal - Where should I get a notary journal?
The NNA is a good source for notary supplies. You can find them on google.
Link - Can I get a free listing for a link?
If you own the site that you are linking from, then yes. please email us the information about your site to info@123notary.com
Link - How do I link to 123notary.com?
We are not web masters, so we can not help with technical information. Just link to http://www.123epayment.com from the home page of your site. You could have your web master do it for you.
Link - Can I link to my web site from my listing on 123notary.com?
If you have a listing on 123notary.com, there is a field where you can link from your listing to your web site at no extra charge.
Link - Can 123notary.com link to me?
123notary.com might be able to link to your site, however, it would require a reciprocal link from a site with heavy traffic.
Listing - How do I get a listing on 123notary.com?
Please visit http://www.123notary.com/getlistedwithus.htm
Listing - How do I get a top place listing?
Please email us at info@123notary.com to ask for price and availability for a particular county.
Listing - How do I get a free listing on 123notary.com?
Please visit http://www.123notary.com/getlistedwithus.htm
Listing - My listing is offline, but I want to get back online?
Please email us at info@123notary.com and ask us to put the listing back online. Often times its offline due to failure to confirm your listing information for a long time. After you are back online, please login, and then click "continue" in edit mode to confirm your listing's information.
Listing - I forgot my password to my listing.
Please email us at http://www.123epayment.com/result.asp?cat=20
Loan signing - How do I purchase the best loan signing course for me?
The LS#3 combo is the most thorough, but we have less expensive options available at
Loan signing - How long does it take to become a loan signer?
You could learn enough to be a beginner loan signer / signing agent after two weeks of study. please visit
http://www.123notary.com/loansign.htm to see our course selection.
Logins - My number of logins on my e-course is running low, what do I do?
You can email us at info@123notary.com if you are running low and we can generally give you a new password at no extra charge.
Marriages - Can a notary perform marriages?
A South Carolina notary public may perform a marriage with no extra status. Florida and New Hampshire may allow it in some circumstances. Please visit the state notary division website of the state in question. Contact information is available at
Marriage certificates - can I notarize a certified copy?
A notary can not certify copies of a marriage certificate. However, the signer can swear an oath on a statement regarding a copy of a marriage certificate where they swear that its a true and correct copy.
Mexico - Does 123notary.com list notaries in Mexico?
123notary.com created a Mexico and Latin America page, but the page did not catch on in popularity and has no useful data.
Minors - Can I notarize someone under eighteen?
Yes, but document the person's age in your journal and on the document. They also must be positively identified according to your state's guidelines.
Mobile notary - what is the difference between a mobile notary and a regular notary?
A mobile notary is a notary who travels to a destination to perform a notary act. Mobile notaries generally know about loan signing
and take a signing agent course of some sort. Please visit http://www.123notary.com/loansign.htm to learn more about loan signing courses.
Moved - I moved or will be moving out of state and am listed with 123notary.com. Help.
Contact your notary division when you make your move, and just email us at info@123notary.com. We can transfer your listing to a new state or county free of charge. However, if you had high placement in one area, your ability to get the same placement in the new area is subject to availability. Please don't email us until you have actually made the move.
N# - I forgot my n#. What do I do?
Please lookup your listing by zip code, and then look at the bottom of your individual listing page and you will find the n# in small print.
Notary Public - Help finding a notary
To find a notary, you can lookup by zip code on the home page. If you are looking for a particular notary that does not necessarily advertise with us, please contact that notary's state notary division for more information. Contact information is available at
Notary - How do I become a notary?
Please visit your state's notary division web site. Information is available at
California and New York notary applicants must pass a test. Study materials are available at
Offline - My listing is offline, but I want to get back online.
Simply email us at info@123notary.com and we can put you back online. Often times, the reason for your listing being taken offline was failure to confirm your listing information regularly. After you are put back online, please confirm your information within twenty-four hours.
Order - Did my order go through?
Please email us at info@123notary.com to find out if your order went through. Please make sure to include the name that your ordered with as well as your payment method, i.e. 123epayment.com, paypal, check, or over the phone with Carmen.
Order - I didn't get my order yet. What do I do?
Orders by mail could take up to one week. Fedex orders generally arrive within four days. If your order is late according to our guidelines, please email us at info@123notary.com for more information and tracking numbers.
Password - I need a password to an e-course, listing, e-test, or the forum
Please email us from http://www.123epayment.com/result.asp?cat=20
Password - I am running out of logins on my e-course. Help.
You can email us at info@123notary.com if you are running low and we can generally give you a new password at no extra charge.
Password retrieval - Help, the password retrieval system doesn't work.
The password retrieval will not work if you have multiple listings. Just email us at info@123notary.com and we will forward your
password to you.
Password - I never got my password.
Please email us at http://www.123epayment.com/result.asp?cat=20
Payment - I didn't get paid by a signing company, what can I do?
Please visit the forum at http://www.123notary.com/forum.htm and there is a post form a reputed collection agency in the "free for all" section who can help.
Policies - Does 123notary.com have policies? What are they?
123notary.com has policies on http://www.123notary.com/getlistedwithus.htm
Power of Attorney - general information
A power of attorney authorizes a person to handle certain aspects of the grantor's business which could include medical decisions, banking, real estate transactions or management, etc. Powers of attorney need to be acknowledged by a signer who appears before a notary public.
P#'s - What do p#'s mean?
P#'s determine your placement on the search results on 123notary.com. Please visit http://www.123notary.com/getlistedwithus.htm for more information.
Refund policy - What is the refund policy on 123notary.com.
Please visit http://www.123epayment.com/policies.asp for refund information.
Relocating - I am relocating out of state and have a listing, what do I do?
Contact your notary division when you make your move, and just email us at info@123notary.com. We can transfer your listing to a new state or county free of charge. However, if you had high placement in one area, your ability to get the same placement in the new area is subject to availability. Please don't email us until you have actually made the move.
Renew - How do I renew my listing?
When its renewal time, you will receive periodical emails with instructions. You can login to your listing to check for your renewal date. If you have any further questions, please email us at info@123notary.com.
Renew - How do I renew a p#4 listing?
There is no p#4 renewal, but the least expensive renewal option is the p#7 economy renewal which is $39.
Renewal for free? - I am in a remote area, can I get a free renewal?
Please email us at info@123notary.com to learn if you can renew for free in your area.
Satisfactory evidence - What is satisfactory evidence in terms of identification.
Each state has different identification rules. However, as a general rule, its good to have a government issued identification with a photo, a signature, physical description, and an expiration date.
Signing companies - How can I find signing companies to work for?
Please visit our free list of signing companies at http://www.123notary.com/signco.htm
Signing companies - I didn't get paid by a signing company, what can I do?
Please visit the forum at http://www.123notary.com/forum.htm and there is a post form a reputed collection agency in the "free for all" section who can help.
Signing companies - Are signing companies allowed to advertise on 123notary.com?
123notary.com can not always distinguish between an individual notary signing agent and a signing company. 123notary.com has no policies that discriminate against signing companies. All entities are treated as equals with equal opportunity to advertise on our site.
Signing companies - Can a signing company get a browser membership on 123notary.com?
Yes. Please email us at info@123notary.com to get a free membership.
Sign up - I am having trouble signing up, what do I do?
There is a simpler way to sign up by visiting https://www.123epayment.com/result.asp?cat=5
If you still have trouble, please call 888-838-1458.
States - I am commissioned in two states and want a listing in both states on 123notary.com
You would need to create two separate listings, one for each state. You would need to use a zip code, city, and county that corresponds to each state so that you would show up in zip searches and all the other geographical searches. Please visit http://www.123notary.com/getlistedwithus.htm to sign up for your listings.
Sub counties - I don't understand the areas ( zones ) and sub counties on 123notary.com. Please explain.
Many of the counties in California have so many notaries and are so large, that we divided them into pieces which we call zones, areas, or sub counties. Los Angeles county has nine sub counties for example.
Thumbprints - When do I need to take thumbprints in my notary journal?
That depends on your state's notary laws. California requires a thumbprint in the notary journal when notarizing deeds affecting real properties as well as powers of attorney.
Title companies - Where can I find title companies to work for?
There are a few title companies on the 123notary.com list of signing companies. You can also look in the yahoo yellow pages in your area and you will find many title companies.
Top place listings - How do I get a top place listing?
Please email info@123notary.com for price and availability of a top place listing.
Travel fee - What do I charge as a mobile notary for a travel fee?
Most states allow a notary to charge anything they want for travel fees, but there are a few states that have restrictions.
Please visit http://www.123notary.com/find-a-notary-public.asp and click on your state to see if your state has a travel fee.
Update - How do I update my listing?
Simply visit your listing, and click the word "update" at the bottom and then login with your password. Please use the password retrieval system if you forgot your password.
Updating - I am having trouble updating my listing. The new information isn't showing up.
Sometimes, your computer's cache may keep the old information showing up even after you successfully updated. If you got a confirmation that your update went through and the information is still not showing up, you can always email us at info@123notary.com and we can check to see what is going on.
Upgrade - How do I upgrade to higher placement?
Just email us at info@123notary.com to inquire as to which placements are available in your area.
Wills - Can I notarize a will?
Notaries should decline from notarizing a will unless the client's attorney gave clear instructions and preferably embedded a notary certificate within the document.
Zip code - Help, I can't change my zip code.
Only the staff at 123notary.com can change your zip code. Please email us at https://www.123epayment.com/result.asp?cat=19
Zip code locator - I do not show up in all my zips. What can I do?
123notary.com guarantees you to show up in 85% of the zip codes within your radius. The zip locator is not perfect, so please do not expect it to be. If there is a serious problem, we can change the zip in your file to one that will show up better.
Zip code locator - I paid for the top position, but in several of my zips, someone else is showing up in the top spot.
Sometimes a person in a neighboring county could overlap with your radius. In such a situation, we sometimes reduce the radius until the overlap is minimal or nonexistent. Please ask us to reduce the radius if such a situation arises.
Zip code locator - I am not showing up in all zips in my county. What can I do?
You are not supposed to show up in all the zips of your county. You are only supposed to show up in the zip codes within your radius. However, you would show up on searches for all cities in your county and on county searches for your county.
Zones - I don't understand the areas ( zones ) and sub-counties on 123notary.com. Please explain.
Many of the counties in California have so many notaries and are so large, that we divided them into pieces which we call zones, areas, or sub counties. Los Angeles county has nine sub counties for example. |