Jurat certificates.
Be careful, customers always call any notary certificate a "jurat". But, its not really true. 80% of notarizations require an acknowledgment certificate or wording - not a Jurat. A Jurat requires a sworn oath and is only appropriate for certain types of notarizations. Its up to the customer what type of notarization they want, and
not up to you to advise them ( although you probably know better than they do ). Certificate wording differs from state to state, but the
standard text might read something like,
State of California
County of Los Angeles
"Subscribed and sworn to me (name of notary) this 8th day of May 2010 by (name of signer)."
Signature of notary
Don't forget that above the notary wording there needs to be some text and a signature of the signer. The signer also needs to swear under
oath to you - the notary. Make sure their right hand is raised and that they start their oath with, "I solemnly swear". Remember,
you are a state appointed officer.