Allowing ample time for reading documents
Some borrowers sign right away, while others want to read every word of every page. Its best to make a confirmation call before you arrive at the signing introducing yourself, and telling the borrower how long you can stay there. If you have from 8pm to 9pm for the signing, and have to leave to make it to a 9:30 appointment 30 minutes away, tell them this in advance, BEFORE you get to the signing. Some borrowers will want three hours to read the loan in its entirety and get irate if you don't let them. If you didn't have the chance to confirm, then let them know when you walk in the door, that you have to leave at 9pm to go to your next signing. Let them know that they have three days to cancel in writing by faxing their right to cancel back with a signature requesting to cancel their loan. They can read their borrower's copies after you are gone and cancel if they find anything they don't like. You can also offer to reschedule another signing if they are really not ready to sign.