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T O P I C    R E V I E W
apaloosa Posted - 08/30/2012 : 1:16:20 PM
At signing mother nursing young one, then 4 others come in from grade school- parents giving instructions, answering questions, signing as they get papers, dogs trying to get in back door being told to be quiet.

Wow I was tired just trying to keep focused. Checked all pages - they were perfect! Afterwards I thought what a great family. Everyone was addressed courteously and all issues handled. It seemed like bedlam to me but they sure had a handle on their lives! How lucky those kids are.

1   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
micheler96 Posted - 05/11/2013 : 2:30:48 PM
I got a call for a "signing" on a Friday night between 8 & 9 PM. The SS fees are always too low & I have to get them higher to cover me, myself & I. So I got the "docs" & it was 256 pages (512 pages now, so the borrower get's their copy). 6:19 PM docs were sent to me. Signing is set for 8:30 PM in Anaheim Hills. 15 Miles away, now I did mention it is Friday Night & it's a gated community. Well, the Escrow person used MSWord for the 206 pages of loan docs. Not a PDF. I didn't have time to review the docs as they were printing. I printed the docs & as I was going thru them prior to the signing, the alignment was off. Now the SS on this one doesn't answer their phones after 5 PM. It is now 7 PM & my printer is on the 2nd set of docs. I figured I'd show up & tell the Purchasers the deal & they can decided whether or not to sign, because this might result in a redraw. I got there @ 8:20 PM, he got there around 8:50 PM & he got his broker on the phone, I e-mailed him what escrow sent me. He didn't really get it that I was dealing w/ a MSWord doc, not a PDF. He thought I was Escrow & that they printed the docs, I don't work for Escrow & I printed the docs w/ less than 2 hours the signing appointment time. Now he tells me repeatedly he is going to read the docs. I said we will need to reschedule. It's after 9 PM & I"m not sitting around for this. He's late. So, he's furious & keeping his anger in check, but baits me a bit, I don't bite & I pack up my stuff & leave. I'm angry, he calls the SS & complains about me. Fine, I write this stuff down & tell them they owe me a Trip fee & doc print fee. I got his docs that he was to sign to the shredding service the next morning & I tell the SS that from now on, my minimum is $100. Period.

Michele Ryan

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