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 JMT - Quicken Refis

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
lightk Posted - 02/24/2011 : 10:26:00 AM
I have worked with JMT for a number of years because the Quicken documents are almost ALWAYS correct, delivered to the borrower, payment is on time every time.

They have paid $50 for years.

The only reason I handle these is because they are so good to work with, you always know what to expect.

What are they paying you? Is anyone getting over $50 for Quicken refi overnighted to borrowers?

23   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
overquailified1 Posted - 06/06/2017 : 06:31:18 AM
Turn down a TitleSource request and just wait. JMT will call later for the same job with a lower fee and even more intrusive steps to deal with. I have blocked their calls from my phone.
jdavisva Posted - 09/29/2013 : 3:46:24 PM
I too deal with mountains and 2 lane roads...

Originally posted by Lee-AR

Yep...always more than $50. My fee for this also would have been $125. I deal with mountains and 2 lane roads also. 35 miles is about a 1 hr. trip. I get Quickens from TS and 2 other SS. JMT calls, but rarely meets my fee whereas the others do. Go figure.

If you don't value your time and experience, nobody else will.

Christine Posted - 09/25/2013 : 1:09:58 PM
Originally posted by jdavisva

JMT contacted me today for my first proposal signing with them after signing up with them earlier this week. They asked me to travel 35 miles one way for $50 with documents overnighted (Quicken). I turned down the price because of the distance. I quoted the rep my price. He said they had others calls to make and they would call be back if needed. I am the closest rotary notaries near the signing and wonder if they will call me back. Has anyone gotten more from them due to long travel distances? If it would have been close, I would have took the job immediately. I'm a newbie and want to get started!

Great effort, Jessica. You were wise to pass on the very low offer . . . Yes, it is good to gain experience when you are new; however, you may want to buy/review [from a library] Laura Vestanen's book "Marketing Your Non-Loan Notary Services." It will help you gain some notarial experience, but also help you to 'level out' the peaks and valleys between loan signing engagements. I am on my second read and gain something new each time I review it.

Also, she has posted on LinkedIn a summation of how to calculate your cost of doing business, which will guide you in your pricing structure per job. It included a sample calculation with:

Your time
Business insurance
Vehicle insurance
Computers and other equipment
Cell phone
Commission & supplies
Tax and licenses

Best wishes for your new business!

Have a great day!
Christine Oldham BS PMP CNSA

jdavisva Posted - 09/19/2013 : 10:10:32 AM
Thank you all for the help and encouragement.
Lee-AR Posted - 09/19/2013 : 04:21:50 AM
Yep...always more than $50. My fee for this also would have been $125. I deal with mountains and 2 lane roads also. 35 miles is about a 1 hr. trip. I get Quickens from TS and 2 other SS. JMT calls, but rarely meets my fee whereas the others do. Go figure.

If you don't value your time and experience, nobody else will.
BisbeeNotary Posted - 09/18/2013 : 1:43:31 PM
I would have charged at least $125. You need to take into account your driving time, mileage expense ($.55/mile), the time to do the signing, review the docs afterward, and then the time and distance to take the docs to the overnight shipping service.
jdavisva Posted - 09/12/2013 : 8:05:49 PM
Well it would have been a 70 mile radius total and I thought it was far especially in my neck of the hills that is curvy and takes longer to get places due to mountains.
I am new and hope I am being fair. I told them my fee was $100. :)
I think we all need to keep our prices up and stick together as we are all in it to make money.
I'm listening and taking in all advice. Thank you!

Originally posted by LindaH

35 miles isn't all that far - I do that a lot around here. But $50 is ridiculous.

My fee for that job would have been $100 (Quickens are small packages and since overnighted, no printing)



LindaH Posted - 09/12/2013 : 6:55:40 PM
35 miles isn't all that far - I do that a lot around here. But $50 is ridiculous.

My fee for that job would have been $100 (Quickens are small packages and since overnighted, no printing)


jdavisva Posted - 09/12/2013 : 4:39:52 PM
JMT contacted me today for my first proposal signing with them after signing up with them earlier this week. They asked me to travel 35 miles one way for $50 with documents overnighted (Quicken). I turned down the price because of the distance. I quoted the rep my price. He said they had others calls to make and they would call be back if needed. I am the closest rotary notaries near the signing and wonder if they will call me back. Has anyone gotten more from them due to long travel distances? If it would have been close, I would have took the job immediately. I'm a newbie and want to get started!
cw2usarmyret Posted - 11/05/2011 : 04:34:01 AM
About JMT and Title Source. I talked with the Title Source recruiter, they split their assignments between JMT and themself. JMT isn't just Quicken, (Example I did a GMAC Refin for Title Source through JMT). In SW Virginia Title Source is taken on NSAs. I have my 1st Title Source signing next week (JP Morgan Refin). The WEB site for Title Source said Min. 2 years exp as NSA, but apprently they need NSAs in Virgina (at least in SW Va). Yes Quicken packets are short and neat. Compared to a 144 page packet with some 3rd and 4th gen copies of forms, that I did for one Title company. I have been getting the Quicken assinments where you need to print out one set (all legal size). $25 plus the basic $50. My cost to print the 80 pages or so is about $3.25.
Lee-AR Posted - 10/13/2011 : 5:26:33 PM
Hey, thanks, Renee. I didn't know that!
All these years and still learning~~

Renee Posted - 10/12/2011 : 05:14:37 AM
dawnrin: Might be because Quicken owns Titlesource.
esnotary Posted - 10/11/2011 : 8:46:52 PM
I still work regularly for JMT and their Quicken Loans. They pay 50$ for overnight docs to the borrower, I'm there for maybe 20-30 minutes and the documents are always correct. I do not travel more than 10 miles to do these loans, and they pay on a great schedule. When edocs are involved, I only have to print one set, usually around 60 or so pages, and they pay $75. I'm happy with JMT.

dawnrin Posted - 09/28/2011 : 5:21:05 PM
What is happening with JMT with the Quicken Loans is that Title Source (the title company that all of the Quicken Loan docs that I've ever dealt with) is now hiring the notaries directly and are slowly taking all Quicken business away from JMT. Title Source pays $65 for overnighted docs. I never have to go more than 15 miles one way and I'm in and out of the borrower's home in 30 minutes or less. You don't need copies of ID's nor do you have to fax back anything at all. The loan packages are never more than 80 pages, so $65 isn't a bad deal at all. After you are done with the closing, you call their automated phone line (like JMT has you do) and that's that (no faxing of anything back to them for payment either). So, if you are looking to sign up with JMT and they are not looking for notaries, it's because they do not have enough business anymore to warrant taking on more notaries.
Chuckd80 Posted - 09/21/2011 : 5:23:03 PM
Thanks Linda!!!
Originally posted by LindaH

Chuck - it's J.M.T. Document Services...

Visalia, CA 93277

Business: 800.610.3169
Fax: 559.627.2524
E-mail: docs@jmtdocs.com
Website: www.mortgageprep.com


CopperheadVA Posted - 09/21/2011 : 03:29:33 AM
I've tried to sign up with JMT a couple of times - each time they send me a reply that basically says "we regret to inform you we are not in need of notaries in your area. We apprecaiate your interest.."


LindaH Posted - 09/21/2011 : 03:18:22 AM
Chuck - it's J.M.T. Document Services...

Visalia, CA 93277

Business: 800.610.3169
Fax: 559.627.2524
E-mail: docs@jmtdocs.com
Website: www.mortgageprep.com

Chuckd80 Posted - 09/20/2011 : 8:47:18 PM
Steele, how can I sign-up with these guys? Can't find them online. I'm a new Notary trying to get in the business.
Originally posted by Steele

Originally posted by egw91145

Just turned down a JMT Quicken refi, they wanted to pay me $50. My fee with them had always been $75 and they said I changed last month. I don't recall doing such a dumb thing. Anyhow, Quicken pays $75 for overnighted docs and $100 if I print the docs. I do 10-15 a month for them and the fee has never varied.


Really? I am an experienced notary of 6 years and they have always paid me $50 and $75 for email docs. Some notaries think they are too good to accept $75 for a very easy set of loan docs. Better think about the economy and appreciate the work.

Steele Posted - 09/19/2011 : 9:44:02 PM
Originally posted by egw91145

Just turned down a JMT Quicken refi, they wanted to pay me $50. My fee with them had always been $75 and they said I changed last month. I don't recall doing such a dumb thing. Anyhow, Quicken pays $75 for overnighted docs and $100 if I print the docs. I do 10-15 a month for them and the fee has never varied.


Really? I am an experienced notary of 6 years and they have always paid me $50 and $75 for email docs. Some notaries think they are too good to accept $75 for a very easy set of loan docs. Better think about the economy and appreciate the work.

Steele Posted - 09/19/2011 : 9:42:11 PM
Originally posted by egw91145

Just turned down a JMT Quicken refi, they wanted to pay me $50. My fee with them had always been $75 and they said I changed last month. I don't recall doing such a dumb thing. Anyhow, Quicken pays $75 for overnighted docs and $100 if I print the docs. I do 10-15 a month for them and the fee has never varied.


Chuckd80 Posted - 09/19/2011 : 3:39:22 PM
EGW, how can I sign-up with these guys? I can't find them on the internet.

Originally posted by egw91145

Just turned down a JMT Quicken refi, they wanted to pay me $50. My fee with them had always been $75 and they said I changed last month. I don't recall doing such a dumb thing. Anyhow, Quicken pays $75 for overnighted docs and $100 if I print the docs. I do 10-15 a month for them and the fee has never varied.


egw91145 Posted - 09/19/2011 : 1:38:34 PM
Just turned down a JMT Quicken refi, they wanted to pay me $50. My fee with them had always been $75 and they said I changed last month. I don't recall doing such a dumb thing. Anyhow, Quicken pays $75 for overnighted docs and $100 if I print the docs. I do 10-15 a month for them and the fee has never varied.

Lee-AR Posted - 02/24/2011 : 11:02:48 AM
Well, it wasn't o/n, but I have received $90. Excess travel fee was NOT a factor in this one.

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